Bloggar (Articles/Opinion pieces)

Whole school mentoring: Small & Rural School areas

The Mentoring Policy Exchange meeting took place online, the 29th of March 2022. The topic of this session targeted one the project’s identified challenges, mentoring in Small & Rural School areas.The meeting had as special guest Prof. Alfina Bertè, school principal at Mentor school IC Giovanni XXIII Acireale (Southern Italy), who illustrated the efforts undertaken by this Mentor school in...

Författare: Sonia Curzel
MenSI at Eminent 2021

Technology, inclusion and European cooperation are the drivers of change at the service of the schools of tomorrow, according to European education leaders speaking at the EMINENT 2021 online conference. As part of its annual EMINENT conference, European Schoolnet brought together Ministers of Education, representatives from the European Parliament and European Commission, and high-level...

Författare: Sonia Curzel