
Blogs (School learning/diaries)

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Webinars organized by mentor schools helped teachers discover new options in teaching

As a supplementary activity during the MenSI project, Czech National Agency for International Education and Research prepared several webinars for the participating schools focused mainly on the use of digital technologies in teaching. The webinars were conducted by experts on the given topics, and the selection of topics was adapted to the preferences of the mentor and mentee schools. Webinars proved to be a suitable form of teacher education during the pandemic, as face-to-face meetings were not possible for most of the year. Among the interesting topics of the webinars were Creating comics in teaching, Creating videos in teaching, Working with applications on iPads and New informatics and minimal outputs. During the webinar on creating comics, teachers were introduced to a selection of programs they can use to create comics in class. These tools included not only StoryboardThat, PicCollage, PiZap, ToonyTool, but also Google Slides. Another webinar focused on the creation of videos in classes using, for example, the Stop Motion Studio tool. As part of the webinars on the topic of using iPads in teaching, teachers were introduced to many educational applications that can be used in the subjects of reading, writing, mathematics, practical learning or intellectual and sensory education. Presented applications include, for example, Multiple, Geoboard, Math Fight, ChatterKid, Quiver, Color Me, Foldify, Timeline 3D, Green screen, iMovie, Pic Collage, Book Creator and many others. All of the webinars mentioned above were organized by one of the mentor schools, Základní škola speciální Ostrava-Slezská Ostrava, which provides education for children with special needs. In order to make work in the mentioned applications as easy as possible for such children, our webinars contained many useful tips on that subject. 

A comic created by children from ZŠ Velvary