The MenSI “Beyond Networking” MOOC is coming soon!


Join the Mentoring for School Improvement project (MenSI) “Beyond Networking: School-to-School Mentoring for Digital Innovation” MOOC, starting on 17 October!

Technology-enhanced teaching and learning have become an increasingly popular topic in education and professional development courses for teachers. Nowadays, a great number of schools across Europe have developed efficient frameworks for digital teaching and learning and many teachers have become competent pedagogical users of technology in their classrooms. And yet, mainstreaming ICT at an institutional level remains an ongoing policy challenge across Europe. So, what can be done to go that extra mile and involve a greater number of schools and teachers on a transformational journey for school improvement

The course will focus on models and strategies for school-to-school mentoring to scale digital innovation and facilitate the transferring of knowledge and expertise within teachers’ communities of practice and collaborative networks of schools. It’s about developing collaboration between schools so that teachers and school leaders operating in digitally advanced schools can take up an active role to mentor and support other colleagues in less advanced schools within regional hubs and virtual communities of practice.

You will find all the information you need and the registration link on the course landing page on European Schoolnet Academy, register today!
