
Blogok (Mentoring policy exchange)

MenSI at Eminent 2021

Technology, inclusion and European cooperation are the drivers of change at the service of the schools of tomorrow, according to European education leaders speaking at the EMINENT 2021 online conference. 

As part of its annual EMINENT conference, European Schoolnet brought together Ministers of Education, representatives from the European Parliament and European Commission, and high-level experts from several EU countries to discuss why and how inclusion and digital education should be at the centre of Europe’s future policy reforms. 

The event was followed by a virtual exhibition, accessible on 7 and 8 December 2021. By browsing through the virtual booths, participants were able to get access to information on various EUN projects, external stakeholders and FCL industry partners. You can find more information about the event here.

During the conference, the Mentoring Policy Exchange Mechanism was launched and MenSI had its own booth under the FCL umbrella where you could find information about the MenSI project, which key deliverables were produced so far, the Charter for Advisory Members (including link to apply for membership), the recently published report on School-to-school mentoring: a European perspective, and the Mentoring Operations Manual.

About EMINENT 2021: every year, European Schoolnet organises its annual EMINENT conference, an expert meeting in education networking bringing stakeholders from across Europe together to discuss the next challenges and potential solutions to ensure an innovative education for all. This year, the event was hosted online on 7 December 2021, generating great interest among a very diverse and wider audience; with more than 780 registrations from 35 countries and almost 1200 visitors to the virtual exhibition, who followed the conference.

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Mentoring Policy Exchange

MenSI is extending its reach by inviting relevant stakeholders to participate in the project’s Mentoring Policy Exchange Mechanism. By adopting this “policy-connected approach”, MenSI has developed a new space for discussion open to educational policymakers working at both national and regional level. This new forum will continue to be offered as an on-going service to policymakers under the EUN’s independently-funded Future Classroom Lab initiative.

The Policy Exchange Mechanism is currently composed by the MenSI Advisory Members and by Ministry of Education Working groups such as the Small and Rural Schools Interest Group and the Interactive Classroom Working Group.

Following the model developed for existing EUN ministry working groups, the Policy exchange includes both regular online and face-to-face meetings. In this regard, it provides a forum within which project partners can exchange on MenSI findings and recommendations with ministries and other Advisory Members interested in the project’s work. Ministries supporting this new mechanism may also seek to involve and obtain support for additional / future work on whole-school mentoring from the 30+ industry partners currently supporting the EUN Future Classroom Lab.