Mensi Partners

European Schoolnet – EUN (BE) 

European Schoolnet is the network of 34 European Ministries of Education, based in Brussels. As a not-for-profit organisation, we aim to bring innovation in teaching and learning to our key stakeholders: Ministries of Education, schools, teachers, researchers, and industry partners. We are driven by our mission to support education stakeholders in Europe in the transformation of education processes for 21st century digitalized societies. We do this by identifying and testing promising innovative practices, sharing evidence about their impact, and supporting the mainstreaming of teaching and learning practices aligned with 21st century standards for inclusive education.



INDIRE – the National Institute for Documentation, Innovation and Educational Research

INDIRE is the benchmark for educational research in Italy. It develops new teaching models, tries out new technology for training courses, and fosters innovation redefining the relationship between space and time of learning and teaching. The Institute boasts consolidated experience in the in-service training of teachers, administrative, technical and auxiliary staff as well as headmasters, and has been a leading player in some of the most important e-learning experiences in Europe.



The Directorate-General for Education (DGE) (PT)

DGE is the Directorate-General for Education (Direção-Geral da Educação) of the Portuguese Ministry of Education. DGE's specific purpose is to make sure that national policies are implemented regarding the pedagogical and didactic components of pre-school, primary, lower and upper secondary education, as well as the provision of education for children not attending school. DGE is in charge of designing, developing and evaluating initiatives and projects related to the use of digital tools and resources in education. It fosters the effective use of computers and the Internet by all educational agents.



The Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Croatia (HR)

The Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Croatia performs administrative and other tasks related to preschool education, elementary and secondary education in the country and abroad; develops the National Curriculum; approves textbooks and introduces regulations and standards as well as other requirements regarding educational work; fosters the development of the school system; works on improving the student standard; conducts inspections; establishes educational institutions and supervises the legal aspects of their activities; provides funding and facilities for educational work; enables children, young adults and adults to acquire technical skills and competences; supports organisations invested in education.



Czech National Agency for International Education and Research (DZS)

DZS (Dům zahraniční spolupráce) is the Czech National Agency for International Education and Research under the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports. Its main objective is to facilitate international cooperation in education, training and research as well as to promote Czech language, culture and higher education abroad. On the national level, DZS manages a number of European education programmes (e.g. Erasmus+) and coordinates several international networks, including eTwinning. The agency also carries out projects and initiatives to support the use of digital technologies in education and promotes professional development opportunities for teachers in this field.



Educational Authority (HU)

(Oktatási Hivatal) is a background institution of the Hungarian Ministry of Human Capacities, and it provides services for public and higher education. Its tasks include the organization of student admission processes, baccalaureate exams, national measurements, data analysis, and it is also involved in content development. It operates a network of regional support centres to offer a variety of professional development opportunities for teachers. The Authority operates the Sulinet website, which provides digital content, news, and community functions for public education. Sulinet aims to find answers to 21st century challenges and drive innovation in education.



GO! (BE)

GO! organises official education in the Dutch speaking part of Belgium. It is an autonomous body of the Flemish government which functions independently of the Flemish Minister of Education. GO! provides education from nursery school, through compulsory school age through to adult education and including schools specialising in creative and performing arts and technical and professional education. GO! provides policy guidance, curriculum development and teacher training for its 700 schools / centres and for 35,500 members of staff serving 220,000 students in compulsory education and 109,000 in adult education.



Brunel University London (UK)

Brunel University London in West London is a dynamic institution with over 12,500 students and over 1,300 academic staff operating in a vibrant culture of research excellence. It plays a significant role in the higher education scene nationally and internationally, with extensive partnerships with both academia and industry. Its School of Education offers a full range of courses, from BA, MA to Ed Doc and PhD. It has a substantial track-record of undertaking research and development projects in a wide range of locations, both national and international.  


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EUN Partnership
Rue de Trèves 61
B-1040 Brussels, Belgium



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