MenSI Advosry Member General

A key element of MenSI will be to provide ministries with opportunities to collect, document and compare cases of both successful and unsuccessful whole school peer-learning mentoring approaches.

Following models successfully applied in other projects, the project consortium will extend its reach by inviting additional ministries of education and other relevant  stakeholders to participate in MenSI as unfunded Advisory Members. Unfunded means they are unable to receive project funding under the terms of the contract with the European Commission.

The MenSI Advisory Members can be (the list is not exclusive):

  • Ministries of Education
  • Regional and municipal education authorities
  • Organisations working in the area of school-to-school mentoring, e.g. research
  • (EU-funded) projects of relevant topic
  • Private organisations

The Advisory Member status will be given to an organisation, not individuals.

Read more about the benefits for Advisory Members and how they can concretely contribute to the project, in the Charter for MenSI Advisory Members.

You can fill in the application form here

Introductory webinar on 19 May 2021

The MenSI partners organised in 19 May 2021 an introductory webinar to present the project and to share the findings of the first phase focusing on desk research.

Download the webinar presentation here and watch the recording here:


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