
Blogit (School learning/diaries)

Teaching aids for Czech MenSI schools

One of the incentives that the Czech National Agency (DZS) has prepared for all schools involved in the MenSI project are didactic aids for children. These aids were designed in cooperation with one of the mentor schools (ZŠ speciální, Ostrava – Slezská Ostrava), where the teachers already use similar tools in their teaching practice. The teaching aids were developed to help the mentor schools to form a connection even with those who are not yet convinced of the ICT activities' benefits.

The DZS had two types of tools created for schools: Abecedu (the Alphabet) and Šipkovanou (the Arrows). Both of these aids develop students’ computational thinking, orientation in space and prepare them for programming in digital tools such as Scratch. They are suitable for elementary school students regardless of age, as their difficulty can be adjusted according to the teacher's needs. The aids will be sent to all schools during September and DZS will be looking forward to feedback from the teachers

Šipkovaná (the Arrows)

Abeceda (the Alphabet)












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