
Blogit (School learning/diaries)

MenSI Cristelo Hub - This time in Pinheiro School Cluster

The second work meeting of our cluster of the MenSI Project - Mentoring for School Improvement took place in the Pinheiro School Cluster. All the clusters were present, namely the clusters of Cristelo, Frazão, Paço de Sousa, Paredes and Pinheiro.

We worked on the Mentoring Operational Plan and tried through the weaknesses of some and the strengths of others, to make a survey of which strengths can contribute to the improvement of the weaknesses of each. After the analysis of the various PADDEs, we put collaborative strategies that enable an empowerment of the digital ecosystem of each grouping, taking into account the weaknesses of some and the strengths of others.

It was an afternoon of shared experiences and reflections that enriched us all and will contribute to achieving the mission that each of our groups proposes to achieve with each of our educational communities.