Advisory Members List

Another Step

Another Step Lda is a company managed by educators, working with schools and other public and private organizations, concerning Quality Management tools (CAF Education, EQAVET) and Education Digital Transformation (SELFIE, DigCompEdu and Microsoft ETF model). Main services: teacher training, quality models, digital transformation.





Associazione EPICT Italia - European Pedagogical ICT Licence

The EPICT Italy Association - European Pedagogical ICT License - is an association of teachers and trainers; promotes the skilful and conscious use of digital technologies in schools. The EPICT Certification is a Certification on the pedagogical use of digital technologies, born from a European project in 2005 and today present in Italy and the UK.
Members of the Association are teachers-research who experiment in their contests with the pedagogical use of digital technologies: the consolidated ones and the most innovative ones such as augmented and virtual reality and Artificial Intelligence.
The Association collaborates with the University of Genoa to update the Syllabus of the EPICT Certification modules.




Croatian Academic and Research Network – CARNET

Croatian Academic and Research Network – CARNET is a public institution operating within the Ministry of Science and Education with the aim of innovating the education system through information and communication technology. CARNET network is a private network of the academic and research community in Croatia and primary and secondary schools. Following the latest trends in Internet infrastructure and in education, CARNET has developed new services and has participated in many projects. It also participates in international activities and cooperates with other European academic and research networks, the GÉANT Association and the organisations responsible for managing the internet resources in the world.




Dublin West Education Centre (DWEC)

Dublin West Education Centre (DWEC) is one of a network of twenty-one Education Support Centres established under Section 37 of the Education Act 1998 under the MOE Ireland, to support the ‘Continuous Professional Development (CPD), Mentoring for School Improvement (MSI) and Continuous Professional Activities (CPAs) of approximately 7000 primary and post-primary teachers and their schools with over 80,000 students in attendance (aged 4-18 years). DWEC works closely with other public and private bodies like the teachers' Unions, national parents' Councils, NGOs, universities, Multinational companies and SME's to ensure a holistic approach and involvement in all of its programmes and initiatives.




European Commission - Joint Research Centre (Acronym: JRC)

IRIS Connect is a collaborative professional learning platform that empowers teachers to teach their The Joint Research Centre is the internal science and knowledge service of the European Commission. It aims to support EU policies with independent evidence throughout the whole policy cycle. Research and policy support is focused on the six new policy priorities of the Commission (2019-2024) led by President Von der Leyen: A European Green Deal; An economy that works for people; A Europe fit for the digital age; Promoting the European way of life; A stronger Europe in the world and a new push for European democracy.



The European Training Foundation

The European Training Foundation is a European Union agency that helps transition and developing countries harness the potential of their human capital through the reform of education, training and labour market systems, and in the context of the EU's external relations policy. Based in Turin, Italy, the ETF has been operational since 1994.



Foundation Tempus

The Foundation Tempus promotes and implements the largest EU programme for cooperation in the fields of education, training, youth and sport – Erasmus+. Through numerous activities, the Foundation provides support to both organizations and individuals in personal and professional development, such as career guidance, skills development and international mobility of key actors in the field of education. Additionally, the Foundation has participated in the promotion and implementation of other educational programmes and various cooperation programmes and support to young people in Serbia through the development, design, and implementation of projects aimed at improving formal and non-formal education.



Ghent University, Research group 'Teacher Education & Professional Development'

The research group conducts research on student teachers' education and professional development, teachers and teacher educators working in different contexts (i.e. teacher education, primary education, secondary education) and in different phases of their careers (i.e. pre-service, novice, experienced). The research conducted focuses mainly on student teachers', teachers', and teacher educators' learning processes, the factors that affect these learning processes, and possible outcomes of these learning processes. All kinds of research methodologies are implemented, including a strong focus on intervention studies."








Institute for Contemporary Education

The Institute for Contemporary Education (ICE) is a non-profit educational institution in Serbia, a member of LINKgroup Educational Alliance, which acts both nationally and internationally. The aim of the ICE is to promote educational values, high academic standards, edtech and innovation in education. Its ambitious programme empowers teachers to improve their competencies and reinvent their pedagogies in order to be future-ready for new challenges and responsive to the fast-paced 21st-century changes. It also engages in international project management and evaluation, creates consortia with international stakeholders and supports the implementation of the EU projects.

The ICE organises:
•    seminars/webinars and panels on current topics in the field of science and education,
•    training programmes and workshops on innovation in education and pedagogy,
•    international educational conferences, roundtables and symposia,
•    teaching practice programmes.




Instituto Nacional de Tecnologías Educativas y Formación del Profesorado (INTEF)- Ministry of Education and VET

The National Institute of Educational Technology and Teacher Training (INTEF) is the unit from the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training in charge of the integration of ICT and Teacher Training in pre-university levels.

The actions carried out by INTEF are:

  • Creation and promotion of educational resources for teachers
  • Design of teacher training courses
  • Creation and promotion of digital educational resources so that new technology become a common tool in the classroom for teachers
  • Promotion and development of digital competence by the use of ICT
  • Development of educational platforms and creation of professional networks to promote the exchange of good practice and resources among teachers.



IRIS Connect

IRIS Connect is a collaborative professional learning platform that empowers teachers to teach their best and improve student learning through engaging in highly effective and evidence-based professional development (PD). Born from research and based on using accessible and secure video collaboration technology and frameworks, the system supports a blended approach to reflective and collaborative learning throughout a teacher's career. This includes remote lesson observation, reflection and feedback, peer collaboration, instructional coaching and mentoring over distance, building professional learning communities, co-creating and sharing resources. IRIS Connect encompasses a growing global community of over 100,000 educators in more than 40 countries.




Jacobs Foundation

The Jacobs Foundation is one of the world's leading foundations dedicated to facilitating innovation for children and youth. Established in 1989 by Klaus J. Jacobs and his family, the Jacobs Foundation commits an average annual budget of CHF 55 million to co-create evidence-based ideas for learning, support schools in offering quality education and sharing best practices and to transform education systems around the world. The Jacobs Foundation's goal is to provide children and youth with effective knowledge, skills, tools, and equitable opportunities to reach their full learning potential and thrive together.



The Department of Educational Sciences, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University (MUNI ARTS)

The Department of Educational Sciences, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University (the Czech Republic), is a modern university department with a significant research focus and a rich tradition of developmental initiatives in the Czech Republic and abroad. The staff have completed several projects supported by the Czech Science Foundation and other Czech and foreign grant agencies and organisations (e. g. Horizon 2020, MSCA Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions; Erasmus+). The Department of Education Sciences offers university education in three fields (Education, Social Education and Counselling, Andragogy).


National Center of Educational Technologies (ԿՏԱԿ)

The National Center of Educational Technologies of the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Armenia was established in 2004. The mission of the National Center of Educational Technologies is to develop a modern educational environment in Armenia. NCET objectives are: 

  • To introduce ICT in general schools in Armenia and to ensure their further availability.
  • To carry out professional development of teachers in the usage of ICT in teaching and learning.
  •  To maintain administrative registers of the education sector.
  • To develop national educational technology policy.


Sá de Miranda Education Center

The Sá de Miranda Education Center is a public in-service training center of teachers and other education professionals. It was created in 2014 in order to provide for a system of in-service training that aims at improving the performance quality of teachers and other school professionals so as to foster the continuous improvement of education services in each associated school, especially teaching. 
It is located in Sá de Miranda High School, in Braga, Portugal. Nowadays, it serves seven School Communities in the Braga district, namely School Clusters of Sá de Miranda; Carlos Amarante; Francisco Sanches; Póvoa de Lanhoso, Vieira de Araújo as well as the Conservatory of Music Calouste Gulbenkian.



Top You Up

Top You Up supports both adult learners of English and teachers by keeping them at the core of their learning path. Working with adults who need to change or boost their career by mastering English and teachers willing to maximise their impact while keeping learners at the core, LearnEng or TeachEng maps are built integrating needs, outcomes and interests. Teacher training, in particular, is thoroughly planned and customised so as to be underpinned by different frameworks (DigiCompEDU, GreenComp, CEFR Companion) and effective approaches (assessment for learning, learner agency and visible thinking) to transform education, empowering the 21st century skills and adapt it to the learners' needs.



Ufficio Scolastico Regionale per l'Emilia-Romagna (USR-ER)

The "Ufficio Scolastico Regionale per l'Emilia-Romagna" (USR-ER) is the Regional Department of the Italian Ministry of Education. It has administrative responsibility for the 540 educational institutions of the region. It supports and promotes the right to education as well as teacher training policies, communication and information services, organization and human resources management. The main fields in which USR-ER is involved include: the right to study, social policies in favour of students, services aimed at foreign students' integration, support services for students, prevention of school failure, education to road safety, health, environment, promotion and assistance to national, European and international projects, organization of teacher training.



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EUN Partnership
Rue de Trèves 61
B-1040 Brussels, Belgium



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